Diabetes Discover's New Sport's: Leg's Bum's and Tum's

After the tranquility of yoga I decided for my next activity I would try something a little more rigorous! I'd heard of this particular activity before, but once again didn't really know what it entailed but was definitely willing to give it a go.

A few day's ago I decided to sign up for a beginner's class of leg's, bum's and tum's. The description was that it was a work-out encompassing upper and lower leg exercise's and core too. All in a 45 minute session including cardiovascular work too. We began the class by getting our mat's out, I remember thinking to myself that the class must be more core based in which case. How wrong I was, we then proceeded to get two 2.5kg weight disks out and also a 5kg one. I believe the aim of the weights is to do the toning bit and the cardio (running continuous movement) bit is for the weight loss and showing the tone underneath.

But the class began with a running warm-up around the room, where we alternated between jogging, running with high knees and side-stepping at a quick pace. I like running warm-ups as they feel a bit more familiar to me. So after some brief stretching we got into the real work out. Which was as it turned out very similar to the early running circuits that I used to do as a junior athlete. Some of the class was broken down into routines. So for example we might do a couple of normal 90 degree squats, followed by jump squats and then into squats where you bend your legs down into the squat position for two seconds and then back up into the standing position for two seconds, repeat. And that would be one set,of which there might be 3 or 4.

In other parts of the class we used the weights to make the exercise a bit harder whether that be squats or core stability. Using the weight as extra leverage to work that particular area during the exercise. I was surprised to find that within minutes the sweat was poring off everyone in the room despite the air-con being on! I really enjoyed the work out and think that the name doesn't really do the class justice. As I previously mentioned, the work-out had a lot of moves that were similar to athletics based circuits. And for that reason I plan to continue with the class during the off season to keep up my fitness until the season begins again.

Although this class was at a member's only gym, the class is readily available in council gyms as well as private one's. So for a more exciting work-out with good long term fitness and toning results, I would definitely recommend giving it a go.


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My blog takes you through a daily look at sport, diabetes and everything in between. As an athlete that lives with type 1 diabetes I want to let you into news, views and all that is important to both of my passions.

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