How To Make Your Sporting New Years Resolutions and Stick To Them

Every year people make new years resolutions at the turn of the year, vowing that they'll do more or better at something. Or perhaps give something up in the pursuit of a better end result. But only a small percentage of people actually manage to stick to them or carry them through until February. Now I'm not claiming to have the secret, but as an athlete I know a thing or two about goal setting and ensuring that I follow through with my goals in order to achieve my best. So let me share with you how I and many other athletes do it...

People's new years resolutions can vary from the realistic to the very extreme and perhaps unrealistic, they can be serious ones or ones that we feel like we should make for the sake of 'doing the right thing'. My own example of that one would be to stop buying shoes and handbags! But thats the first part of successful goal setting- decide on a goal that is something you actually want to achieve. Obviously I'm not going to give up buying shoes so let's not kid ourselves there. Do make it specific however. If we use participation in sport or exercise as the goal that we're looking to achieve in. Perhaps that you want to become more active in the new year, as this is something that could be good for people with diabetes as it will help regulate blood sugars. And in those without diabetes, more exercise could reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes and help health and weight management.

Now we've got a specific goal, we need to make it measurable. Because of course how will we know how we're doing or if we're going to achieve the goal if there isn't something to measure it by. So in the case of exercise being the goal, the measure could be that you plan to exercise twice a week for half an hour each time. The next thing is to make that goal achievable. It sounds silly but if you aim to run a marathon by next month for example, and have never run before. The likelihood is it won't happen and you'll end up giving up before the week is out whilst thinking it was a silly goal anyway. Consider exactly how that goal is going to be achieved. Have a plan in mind such as committing to walking home from work instead of taking the car twice a week. If your a new comer to exercise why not try making the goal to walk for the two sessions of exercise the first week. And then the next week progress to a power walk all the way up to a run, when your ready. And of course all of these exercises can be done in your Protect it socks. Looking after your feet is a smart goal to have anytime of the year!

All of the afore mentioned tips of specific, measurable and achievable goal setting make for a realistic thing to aim for. I'm not saying that a marathon is out of anyone's reach, but it doesn't happen over night thats for sure. But speaking of time, this would be my final tip- that it is worth setting a time period in which to achieve each goal. It helps you know when you've reached your goal and it gives you a sense intrinsic achievement. In my opinion some of the hardest goals we set in life are the ones at the beginning, perhaps after injury or illness when we might be lacking the drive to begin. But take it from someone who loves winning, theres nothing quite like setting yourself a goal and managing to achieve it! Whether that goal is carrying the Olympic Torch or over-coming adversity, think smart you can do it.

Please note that its particularly important to look after your blood sugars and your feet when exercising for the first time, especially if you have diabetes. Regular blood glucose tests are a must as well as carrying a sugary snack along with you. The socks I choose to wear for both athletic training and casual wear are Protect it socks because they're made with people who have diabetes in mind. When you run its estimated that the force of three to four times your body weight goes through your joints, muscles and feet. So padding and protection is important whether it is in aid of absorbing some of the shock of pounding the pavements or to give comfort to the new exercise. And is provided in the comfy socks with a cushioned sole at the base and a ventilated upper layer as athlete's foot is a big one to look out for amongst runners.


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My blog takes you through a daily look at sport, diabetes and everything in between. As an athlete that lives with type 1 diabetes I want to let you into news, views and all that is important to both of my passions.

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